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Repeat Examination Form (Masters Degree Programmes) - Semester 1 & 3 - 2024

Repeat Examination Form (Masters Degree Programmes) - Semester 1 & 3 - 2024

by LMS Admin -
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Students who wish to reappear for semester 1 and 3 examination are requested to submit the online form below by attaching the duly completed "Repeat Subject Form" along with the payment receipt on or before 25.06.2024.

Google Form:

The repeat examination fee per course is Rs. 2,500/=. The applicants can make the payment at any branch of the People’s Bank by crediting the account number; 086-1001-511-89665 of UCSC at People’s Bank, Thimbirigasyaya. Students are also facilitated to make the payment using an online banking service.

Inquiries regarding the Repeat Examination Form should be made through (cc:

Head/Postgraduate Degree Porgrammes
June 2024