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Application form for the Postgraduate Diploma Qualification - Postgraduate Convocation 2023

Application form for the Postgraduate Diploma Qualification - Postgraduate Convocation 2023

by Admin User -
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Students of the master degree programmes can exit from the programme by obtaining the Postgraduate Diploma qualification subject to satisfying the requirements stipulated in the By-Laws and Regulations of the relevant degree programme.


Therefore, the students who wish to exit the programme by obtaining the Postgraduate Diploma Qualification in 2024, are requested to submit the following form and apply for the Postgraduate Diploma on or before 29th April 2024.


Application Form:



Upon the submission of this application, the Examinations & Registration Division will check the eligibility and inform the eligible students to pay the relevant fees (if any) and, place the list of eligible students for the approval of the Postgraduate Examination Board of the UCSC and the Senate of the University of Colombo.


The Postgraduate Diploma Certificate and other official documents will only be issued once the student is conferred the Postgraduate Diploma at the Postgraduate Convocation 2023 (Held on 2024).


Inquiries regarding the Postgraduate Diploma qualification should be made to the Examination Division of UCSC through the email: (cc:


Senior Assistant Registrar

Examinations & Registrations


January 2024