Students those who have registered for the Degree of Master of Philosophy (under the Degree of Master of Philosophy By-Laws No. 11 of 2012) and for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (underthe Degree of Doctor of Philosophy By-Laws No. 08 of 2008) before 1st January 2020 shall continue to be governed by those provisions only for a period of two years from the date, the new Degree of Master of Philosophy/ Doctor of Philosophy in Computing By-Laws come in to operation [i.e. from 1st January 2021 to 1st January 2023].
Thereafter their registration with the School will be considered stand cancelled (i.e. with effect from 1st January 2023).
Hence, all the students registered for MPhil/ PhD programmes before the 1st January 2020 are requested to complete their research works on or before 1st January 2023. Their registration will be automatically transferred to the new by-laws of the Degree of Master of Philosophy/ Doctor of Philosophy in Computing respectively unless, the thesis submission is completed by 1st January 2023.
Postgraduate division