Welcome to the Virtual Learning Environment
for the
Advanced Postgraduate Studies - Academic Year 2021/2022

    Site announcements

    Workshop on Introduction to Quantum Computing

    by Admin User -

    This is a rare opportunity you get because you are a postgraduate student at UCSC. The workshop is free of charge. Please, register as soon as possible as the registration will be closed when the number of seats available get filled up. Please, use the following form to register.

    Kindly note that if you are not planning to come, please don't register as otherwise you will be consuming your colleagues  opportunity.


    VIVA VOCE - MPhil Degree

    by Admin User -

    You are invited to the VIVA VOCE of the following MPhil student scheduled on 26th September 2024

    Name:     J. R. A. C. P. Samaranayaka
    Research Title:    SOM Based 3D Interaction Model for Multidimensional Data Explorations
    Supervisor/s:  Prof G D S P Wimalaratne

    Zoom meeting details:
    Topic: MPhil VIVA - J. R. A. C. P. Samaranayaka
    Time: Sep 26, 2024 14:00 Colombo

    Join Zoom Meeting

    Meeting ID: 958 1222 9647
    Passcode: $Am$Q#F6

    Examination Division

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