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VIVA VOCE - MPhil Degree

VIVA VOCE - MPhil Degree

by Admin User -
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You are invited to the VIVA VOCE of the following MPhil students scheduled on 28th November 2023

Name: M.C.A. Amarasinghe
Thesis Title: A Path Planning Algorithm for Achieving Goals and Sub-Goals in a Known Environment
Supervisor/s: Prof K L Jayaratne, Mr. Viraj B. Wijesuriya

Zoom meeting details:
Topic: MPhil VIVA - M.C.A. Amarasinghe
Time: Nov 28, 2023 11:00 Colombo

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 981 0538 6836
Passcode: 28MPhil^&

Examination Division